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Multimedia Services

Proforma provides so much more for your brand, such as digital advertising, traditional marketing, direct mail services, and other public and tradeshow solutions to get you noticed. We understand the importance of standing out from the crowd.

Stand Out from the Crowd with Multimedia Solutions & Marketing

Marketing is imperative for businesses to stand out from the sea of competitors. Utilizing marketing techniques that set you apart from the rest will help you achieve maximum results. Numerous companies only focus on one type of marketing, such as paid advertising and social media marketing, but leaders will utilize different media sources to market. Multimedia marketing is a perfect tool to add to your marketing campaign. It combines all of your social media, online platforms, video, along with online and offline advertising, such as print and television advertising, to form one cohesive message for your brand.

Every potential consumer consumes media in different ways, and that is the main reason multimedia will help you capture the attention of your target market based on the specific requirements of its segments. The goal of multimedia marketing is to promote products and services in countless ways to reach your audience and build brand recognition. It involves different types of content patched together to produce something unique for consumers on various media devices such as mobile devices, desktops, print, billboards, SMS messaging, advertising, and social media marketing.

You might be wondering what multimedia marketing can do for your business. Here are a few advantages of multimedia.

Why add multimedia to your marketing campaign?

With the advancements in technology, people nowadays rely on their smartphones to get the information they want for a particular product or service. This information plays a huge role in their purchasing decision.

Therefore, to stay ahead of the competition, you need to be bold in aligning your promotional campaigns with today’s marketing trends, such as multimedia marketing. To help you create a successful campaign, we listed out several vital points to keep in mind when outlining your multimedia marketing campaigns.

Know your customers and prospects.

Knowing your customer base is the cornerstone of multimedia marketing. It is essential to understand their demographics, geolocation, personalities, and characteristics by building user stories for each type. You can easily classify each persona based on gender, age, group, or marital status, depending on your brand.

Audience Identified, Now What!

The next step is to identify what platforms your targeted audience will utilize the most. For example, you don’t want to focus on Snapchat if your audience is fifty years or older. Knowing your audience helps you identify the platforms, tone, visual imageries, and direction of your marketing.

For instance, direct mail marketing needs longer headlines and chunkier paragraphs. In contrast, email marketing is efficient with a Call To Action within the subject line and a brief and concise message. Learning how to do it properly can keep you stay ahead of the competition.

Clear Communication Skills are Key

Your content needs to be crafted based on the message you want your audience to receive. It can only be done if your communication objectives are crystal clear in your mind and in line with your brand’s message.

Be customer-centric

It is beneficial to look at your market segmentation over and over again to create a customer-focused multimedia marketing campaign. Consider their needs, emotions, interests, and activities to make sure that your content is relevant and timely.

Mic Check 1, 2,

The most basic rule in multimedia marketing is to keep on testing your campaigns to discover the perfect communication mix for your target market. Through this, you’ll be able to learn from your past campaigns and integrate new tools and channels to see what works best for your business. Multimedia marketing is a breathing campaign that will need changes, tweaks, and updates to keep fresh content that keeps your audience engaged.

If you’re not sure of what media to choose in your marketing campaign, call us at (262) 677-8262! Proforma Effective Solutions will be happy to assist you in any way we can!


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